Tutorials page
this page last modified 11/1/2019


       There are three types of tutorials on this page.

      The first type is a downloadable tutorial. This is a file that you will download to your computer, and then view from your system at your leisure. Clicking the download button beside the description will start the download process. Make note of where you have downloaded it. The downloaded tutorials are self-executing. This means that you only have to double-click the file to view the tutorial. These downloadable files have been compiled with Vorton Technologies Showoff software. When you double-click the file it will begin automatically. The only control button you see is STOP. Clicking the STOP button will turn off the automation and allow you to individually control each frame as you wish. You will be presented with forward/backward buttons, and you can reset the automatic feature if you wish with different options set.

     The second type will be represented with a page link. This is a tutorial which is viewable in your browser and will open in a separate window. Simply close the new window when you are done viewing. Tutorials of this type are shorter and less involved, allowing the context to be displayed on a page.

     The third type is a paragraph or two when simple text will do. These texts exist below.

     There are some grammatical/spelling/typographical errors in some of the files. I have decided not to correct them because it is a long process. I'd much rather get them available here sooner.


1395 kb (downloadable)

Tutorial #1: Learn to navigate your way around your disks and drives with Windows Explorer: Learn about folders and subdirectories, learn how to copy, delete, move, and rename files, learn how to create new folders, learn the basic tools of Windows Explorer and what they are used for.

Tutorial Pages

Tutorial #2: Messy looking desktop? Put all your desktop icons into a custom toolbar and let your wallpaper show! PageLink - Click here.

Tutorial #3: Easy way to create a dual boot system using 2 existing operating systems on two different hard drives without disturbing your existing operating systems - Click here.

Tutorial #4: Battery holder in desktop tower is broken. Now what? PageLink - Click here.

Things worth knowing about

Two browsers for each computer - If you have only one computer in your home, it would be wise to install both Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Firefox or Chrome on your computer (or any two other browsers of your choice). Why? Because if your browser of choice becomes disabled due to a software problem, you may need to access the internet to search for a solution or download fixes. If you have only one browser on your system, you're stuck and will need to access another computer, download, transfer, etc. This can be a real pain! In this situation, a second browser will be welcome.
  You can also troubleshoot Internet problems easier. Does your Internet problem exist with both browsers or just one? This can help track down where the problem may lie.


Microsoft's Internet Explorer deteriorates; becomes very slow, text typed doesn't show up until several seconds later, mouse clicks are not very responsive - Generally the first thing to do is to make sure you have a fairly recent version installed. You can always get the latest version from www.microsoft.com. Next, go to your Start button, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. Scroll down to Microsoft Internet Explorer and elect to uninstall. A box will pop up giving you the option to repair the existing version. Select that option, and follow the instructions. If that does not correct your problem (it never did for me) it's time to get serious. On the Internet, locate the free program called IEradicator. If you cannot find it, let me know and I will get it to you. Download this application. You may also want to download the installer for IE from Microsoft so you can install a new copy of IE easily. Be sure you have an alternate browser on your computer (see paragraph above!) before implementing IEradicator, just in case. Follow the instructions. This program tells you to save your favorites before using. I found that it was not necessary, but do so as a precaution. IEradicator will remove all traces of IE. Your computer will not be able to display your desktop or folders as a web page as a result. After IEradicator has done it's work, either run the already-downloaded IE installer or go to Microsoft's site with your other browser and download the latest version. If you find yourself in the middle of this operation without another browser or IE installer and need help, first I'll tell you "I told you so" and then I will get for you what you need.


Dual bootling W98 & W2000: Easy way to create a dual boot system using 2 existing operating systems on two different hard drives without disturbing your existing operating systems:
 I had two hard drives, one which had Windows 98SE on it and the other with Windows 2000 on it. They were currently in two different computers, and I wanted to put them in a single computer and set them up using dual boot options. Most of my web searching stated that the Windows 98 must be installed first, and then by installing W2000, the dual boot option would be created. Installing W2000 on the second hard drive would configure everything the dual boot option needed. In my case I did not want to re-install W2000 as all of my settings would be wiped out. Nowhere on the web did I find this solution, so I'll tell you what I did.
  I made the W98 drive as the first drive and made a spare hard drive as the second drive (slave). I installed W2000 onto the second drive. I did not bother to install drivers or create a network connection - just the bare installation. I rebooted so the installation would finalize. I cancelled all extra attempts by W2000 to install anything extra. I then turned off the computer, disconnected the spare drive and connected the W2000 drive (also as a slave). I rebooted, and by dual boot menu came up. The dual boot options are created and stored on the first (W98) drive. By doing what I did, all necessary files, the MBR and menu were created on the W98 drive without disturbing anything on my W2000 drive.


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