Rediware Software available for download
for any software that requests registration or purchase, just email me
at and I will send you your unlock code at no cost

software downloads pages are being rewritten - software will be added as they are completed
currently posted: Shoplist   Super Nim   Mortcalc   Redibook   Renamer3   Securentry   HTML Slideshow Writer
last addition on 4/4/2020

Software title:            Shoplist
version:                       1.0.0
original release date: 10/2004
OS specific:                  Windows
   Enter your shopping list into Shoplist, print it out, and you will be able to go to the store with your list catagorized by store isles. Shoplist learns as you use it, remembering new items and where they are in the store. You can create multiple lists for different stores and products. Shoplist's versatility makes entering your list easy, with several methods to locate the items you want. Shoplist cuts my own shopping time in half.

Shoplist image:             
Shoplist documentation:   view documentation

       To download, please enter:

        your name:    

        your email:    

        your location:

        Then click this --------------->

Software title:            Super Nim
version:                       2.0.1
original release date: 9/2000
OS specific:                  Windows
   A stratagy game that is not for the weak minded. Object of the game: The object of the game is to force your opponent to take the last token. Players take turns removing three or more tokens (depending on how the game is configured).
   I believe this is the first time the Super version of Nim has been available without cost.

Super Nim image:             
Super Nim documentation:   view documentation

     To download, please enter:

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        your email:    

        your location:

        Then click this button -------->

Software title:            Mortcalc
version:                       1.0.1
original release date: 2000
OS specific:                  Windows
   Enter a range of home costs, a range of interest rates, a range of terms, the increment you wish used within these ranges, an estimated amount for taxes and insurance, and you will be able to calculate and print out all the variations within these ranges of an estimated mortgage payment. Good tool to have when looking at houses to buy.

Mortcalc documentation:   view documentation

     To download, please enter:

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        your email:    

        your location:

        Then click this button -------->

Software title:            Redibook
version:                       2.2.2
original release date: 2003
OS specific:                  Windows
   Redibook was written because, even though there are a lot of good 'phonebook' software, they all have different features, some of which I like, and some which I don't care for. The one that I have that I like the best is a program that is unstable, and I have been told by the software company that they will not even support it. This led to the conception and development of REDIBOOK. Everybody has different needs when it comes to an 'address book' and this may or may not fill yours. It is not a full-fledged organizer, but a comprehensive database for the purpose of storing names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, personal web sites, and family data including family member names and birthdays. The phone number area includes a built in dialer, and your e-mail and web applications are automatically activated by clicking. Redibook has the ability to sort, organize, and create custom mailing lists, which can then be processed by printing lists, envelopes, labels, etc. Think of the time it'll save at Christmas!

Redibook documentation:   view documentation

     To download, please enter:

     your name:    

        your email:    

        your location:

        Then click this button -------->

Software title:            Renamer 3
version:                       3.0.0
original release date: 2003 (for version 3)
OS specific:                 Windows
   Renamer is a versatile utility that allows you to select up to 32 files (unregistered) or up to 2000 files (registered) at a time and rename them all at once by entering a series of rules for the files selected. These rules are simple, and consist of items such as 'number of characters to keep', 'characters to replace', increment' and decrement', etc. Renamer lets you see the final result before you actually rename the files. You can then make changes to the rules, or the resulting new filenames themselves. If you work with digital photos, web graphics, or your own series of files, and often have to rename related multiple files (which is labor intensive in Windows), you will find this program a blessing and a breeze!
  Renamer 3.0 is a full featured application and will not expire. The unregistered version of Renamer 3.0 has the same capabilities of Renamer 2.0 plus several new fetures too!
  By registering Renamer 3.0 you will be able to process up to 500 files with the "open" command and up to 2000 files with the "folders" commands instead of just 32. You will also be able to use the "Folder" options which will allow you to load an entire folder of filenames automatically without having to select them. Registration is free!
  Renamer 3 is unfortunately one of the few programs I lost the source code for way back when from a hard drive crash. Renamer is therefore "as is", and I have no way to remedy any issues you may encounter.

Renamer 3
Renamer 3 documentation:   view documentation

     To download, please enter:

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        your email:    

        your location:

        Then click this button -------->

Software title:            Securentry
version:                       1.1.6
original release date: 2004, 2018
OS specific:                  Windows
   Securentry was originally released in 2004 within a private hardware / software partnership. With the passing of my good friend Bill (hardware), this is being released into the public domain.
   This release will be useful to hobbyists only. Securentry provides the software to configure custom entry/exit keypads wired to the gamepad port to control door lock/unlock mechanisms wired to the serial port of your computer. Hardware schematics are not available as they were privately manufactured, but I have explained what I know about the hardware in the documentation. I would be interested in the hardware schematic from anyone who completes this project.

Securentry documentation:   view documentation

     To download, please enter:

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        your email:    

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        Then click this button -------->

Software title:            HTML Slideshow Writer
version:                       2.0
original release date: 2018, 2020
OS specific:                  Windows
   Rediware's HTML Slideshow Writer allows for easily creating slideshows to display on the web or on your own computer. There are many web-slideshow creation programs out there, but they are either labor-intensive, difficult to understand, or the result is formatted in such a way that customizing the resulting web page is prohibitive. Rediware has decided to create software that does away with some of these restrictions.

Some HTML programming knowledge is required to fine-tune your web page once you have created it with this software.

This software creates a webpage that displays thumbnails of the images in a thumbnail strip. It displays the full pictures in the main part of the screen. Pictures can be selected for viewing by either clicking the thumbnail, or using the first, next, back, and last navagation tools.

This Windows software utilizes user input to generate HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code, which can then be moved as a functioning unit to your server, or just kept on your computer if that is your desire.

Slideshow Writer
Slideshow Writer documentation:   view documentation

     To download, please enter:

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        your email:    

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        Then click this button -------->



